JUNE 8, 2022
The following items of business, filed with the City Clerk under the Rules of the Council, will come before the Council at a meeting to be held on June 8, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 43 Broadway, Newport, RI 02840. Meeting viewing and participation is also available via Web Ex: Join link: Webinar number: 2631 397 6801Webinar password: meet (6338 from phones) Join by phone1-844-621-3956 United States Toll Free Access code: 263 139 76801
CITIZENS’ FORUM: (Speakers must sign in with the City Clerk) The Citizens’ Forum period shall be no longer than fifteen minutes, and citizens may address the Council on one subject only and for no longer than three minutes. Issues to be discussed shall not include matters to be considered or discussed as part of the regular Council agenda and must be related to substantive city business. No comments regarding personnel or job performance are allowed.
a. Special Events:
1. Rosters Humanity, d/b/a Juneteenth Celebration, Equality Park; June 19, 2022 from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
2. Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 406, d/b/a Lecture Series V-Russia, Elks Lodge, 141 Pelham St.; June 20, 2022 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
3. Stoneacre Garden, d/b/a Aquidneck Community Table Summer Bounty Fundraiser, Stoneacre Garden; June 21, 2022 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
4. newportFILM, d/b/a newportFILM Outdoor Film Screenings, various locations throughout the city (list attached); 6/23/22, 6/30/2022, 7/7/2022, 7/28/2022, 9/1/2022 from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
5. The Preservation Society of Newport County, d/b/a Lady Carnarvon Lecture & Reception, Rosecliff; June 23, 2022 from 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
6. Newport Outfitters, Inc., d/b/a Ten Speed Spokes, Longest Day of The Year Ride; June 26, 2022 from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
7. Island Moving Company, d/b/a Noche Blanca Gala, 304 Bellevue Ave.; July 29, 2022 from 6:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.
- Request Berkeley Avenue be closed from Bellevue Ave. to Freebody St.
8. Redwood Library & Athenaeum, d/b/a 275th Anniversary Celebration, Redwood Library & Athenaeum; July 8, 2022 from 6:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.
b. Waste Hauler Licenses:
1. Waste Management, 65 Halsey St., Newport, RI
2. Frazier’s Disposal Service, Inc., 168 Ridgewood Rd., Middletown, RI
3. Rambone Disposal Service, Inc., 2153 Plainville Pike, Johnston, RI
c. Holiday Selling License, Renewal, New Location, Ranew Salon & Spa, Inc., d/b/a Ranew Salon & Spa, 195 Broadway
d. Holiday Selling License, New, Little Chateau, LLC, d/b/a Little Chateau, 13 Touro St.
e. Communication from Dan Titus, NEARI 840 President and Dennis Sullivan, NEARI 840 Vice President, re: Requesting the City rename the Harbormaster’s Building at Perrotti Park in honor of Tim Mills
f. Communication from John Oliveira, re: Resignation from the Planning Board (Receive with regret)
2. Sidewalk Café License, Renewal, The Nitro Cart, LLC, d/b/a Nitro Bar, The, 2 Pond Avenue
3. Victualing License, new location, Rhumbline, LLC, d/b/a Rhumbline Restaurant, 255 Thames St.
4. Victualing License, New, Nautilus Restaurant, LLC, d/b/a Scales and Shells, 527-537 Thames Street, First & Second Floors and sidewalk cafe in front of 537 Thames St.
5. Sidewalk Café License, New, Nautilus Restaurant, LLC, d/b/a Scales and Shells, 537 Thames St.
6. Farmer’s Market License, Aquidneck Community Table, d/b/a Aquidneck Growers Market, Miantonomi Park; Mondays from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. beginning July 11, 2022 through August 29, 2022
7. 2022 Entertainment License Renewals (List Attached) *
Canvassing Authority - Democrat Alternate (six year term expires 6/8/2028)
Rick Best, Holly Fisher, Mary Moniz, Ted Wrobel
Affirmative Action Commission – Kenneth “Buzz” Riley ( three year term expires 6/8/2025) Tyler Romero ( three year term expires 6/8/2025)
Beach Commission – Roan Iribarren ( three year term expires 6/8/2025)
Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission – Kyle Kossak (five year term expires 6/8/2027) Jon Dember ( five year term expires 6/8/2027)
9. Amending Chapter 12.36, entitled, “Tree and Open Space Preservation and Protection”, Section 12.36.010, “Intent and purposes” and 12.36.050, entitled, “Newport Tree and Open Space Commission” (Second Reading)
10. Amending Chapter, 3.16.060 of the Codified Ordinances, amending Classification Plan for the International Association of Firefighters, Local 1080 (Second Reading)
11. Amending Chapter 10.32.100, entitled, “Designated residential parking district”, to add George St. (First Reading)
12. Action Item #6078/22 – RE: Re-Bid Award #22-017 – Citywide Quarterly Fire alarm testing and maintenance (w/accompanying resolution)
13. Action Item #6079/22 – RE: Federal Infrastructure Grant Support (w/accompanying resolution)
1. Class F-1 Daily Liquor License, The Preservation Society of Newport County, d/b/a Lady Carnarvon Lecture & Reception, 548 Bellevue Ave. from 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
2. Application of Rhumbline, LLC, d/b/a Rhumbline, 62-64 Bridge St, holder of a Class BV alcoholic beverage license, to transfer the location to 255 Thames St., d/b/a to be determined (Hearing)
3. Application of BKA Industries, Inc., d/b/a Scales and Shells, 527-537 Thames St., holder of Class BV alcoholic beverage license to transfer ownership to Nautilus Restaurant, LLC (Thames Nautilus, LLC-100%-Colin Kane, Managing Member), d/b/a Scales & Shells Restaurant, at the same premises (Hearing)
Laura C. Swistak
City Clerk
Adjourn- June 1, 2022
*Entertainment Licenses by Class
Class | A Indoors | | |
| | | |
DBA | Owner/Address | | Restrictions |
| | | |
Caleb & Broad | Stone Soup LLC | located at 162 Broadway and 2 | NO OUTSIDE ENTERTAINMENT OR |
Caleb Earl | AMPLIFICATION | | |
| | | |
Jane Pickens | Fine Arts Newport, | located at 49 Touro Street | Capacity of 499 people including (4) staff-q Per |
Theater & Event | Inc. | | order of the NFD |
Center | | | |
| | | |
La Forge Casino | 1899 LLC | located at 186 Bellevue Ave. | NO OUTSIDE ENTERTAINMENT OR |
Restaurant | piano & band area located in | AMPLIFICATION. | |
F | front pub, dance floor in back left | | |
| | | |
Newport | NSC, Inc. | located at 110 JT Connell Hwy | |
Sportsman Club | | | |
| | | |
Class | A and B (Indoor and Outdoor) | | |
| | | |
Perro Salado | Kelkery Food & | located at 19 Charles St. on the first and second floors and the | |
| Spirits, Inc. | outside patio | |
| | | |